The purpose of this website is to speak this author’s truth. To honor the parts that have long saw this world differently, but often kept quiet to keep the peace or to retain some sense of belonging. The reality of doing this has taken a great toll in my life. So much, that I can no longer stay quiet and deny my parts. I choose to be seen and utilize this platform as a means of giving life to various thoughts on a plethora of subjects.
When I use the word ‘parts’, I do so in the sense of Internal Family Systems. This is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes a multiplicitis view of the self that believes we have many parts within–and to be truly connected and integrated, we must honor all of our parts.
Who is the author? I am a human. I am a father. I am a psychotherapist. I am a philosopher. I generally do not choose to hold onto labels, but to help you quickly see the intersection of the many aspects of my life. I cling to my humanity first as that’s what binds us all together. Philosophy has always been dear to my heart as it gives me a means to challenge everything and think of how it could be better. Psychotherapy is my profession, but it is also simply a vehicle for passing along all of the healing tools I have learned upon my journey in life. Being a father is my drive. It was the spark that changed my life. I had no drive to be better or make the world better until I had someone worth fighting for.
That last statement alludes to my own struggles with mental health, which I plan to explore and share throughout this space of self-reflection. I also wish to share other parts of my journey toward self-actualization. Lastly, I would like to discuss controversial topics, but plan to do so on a meta-level, beyond where the public conversation is now.