As mentioned in the About Page, I am a psychotherapist by trade. One of the biggest values of this profession is to not impose values on clients. Therefore, I would like to give some context for current or potential clients about how what you read in these pages might impact our work in a session.
This website contains many of my personal thoughts and reflections, which may be in opposition to what you believe or value. Let me say first that regardless of my own viewpoints in any given situation, I do not bring that into the counseling room with you. One of my highest values as a human being is to accept each person as they are and not judge them, even if I do not agree with what they are saying or how they are living. As a therapist, I choose to dive into your worldview and see things from that vantage point to the best of my ability. Your life is your life, and I always want you to live it on your terms. What I write here is simply an expression of me doing the same thing I affirm for you. If you have any questions about this or any content written here, please feel free to bring it up in a session.